USA Today Speed Report

Overall speed score of 95 out of 100. That's pretty good.

USA Today is an American daily middle-market newspaper and news broadcasting company. Founded by Al Neuharth on September 15, 1982, USA Today operates from Gannett’s corporate headquarters in Tysons, Virginia. Its newspaper is printed at 37 sites across the United States and at five additional sites internationally. The paper’s dynamic design influenced the style of local, regional, and national newspapers worldwide through its use of concise reports, colorized images, informational graphics, and inclusion of popular culture stories, among other distinct features.

Speed report

Total Blocking Time0.00 seconds100🟢
Time it takes for a page to start working after it loads
Cumulative Layout Shift0.00100🟢
How much stuff moves around on a page after it loads
First Contentful Paint0.83 seconds94🟢
Time it takes for first piece of content to appear on a page
Speed Index1.87 seconds68🟡
Time it takes for a page to be visibly loaded
Largest Contenful Paint0.91 seconds96🟢
Time it takes for most of the content to appear on a page
Interactive0.83 seconds100🟢
Time it takes for links, buttons, and interactive features to begin working on a page

This report was run on June 25, 2022 against

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