Reuters Speed Report

Overall speed score of 28 out of 100. That's a really low score.

Reuters is an international news agency owned by Thomson Reuters. It employs around 2,500 journalists and 600 photojournalists in about 200 locations worldwide. Reuters is one of the largest news agencies in the world.

The agency was established in London in 1851 by the German-born Paul Reuter. It was acquired by the Thomson Corporation of Canada in 2008 and now makes up the media division of Thomson Reuters.

Speed report

Total Blocking Time1.18 seconds3🔴
Time it takes for a page to start working after it loads
Cumulative Layout Shift0.2061🟡
How much stuff moves around on a page after it loads
First Contentful Paint0.67 seconds98🟢
Time it takes for first piece of content to appear on a page
Speed Index5.24 seconds3🔴
Time it takes for a page to be visibly loaded
Largest Contenful Paint3.22 seconds28🔴
Time it takes for most of the content to appear on a page
Interactive11.28 seconds2🔴
Time it takes for links, buttons, and interactive features to begin working on a page

This report was run on June 25, 2022 against

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